Our Unsung Hero's - April 20th, 2022

Our Unsung Hero's - April 20th, 2022

Posted by Gabriel Tyler on Feb 8th 2024

We have been embarking on a new project the last couple weeks. It is something I am very excited about and something I can't wait to share!

Over the last 30 years of being involved with Datsuns, I’ve come across a lot of people in the community that I would call unsung heroes. People that were influential in keeping the Datsun spirit alive and people that were the real glue, binding the community together. Over the next few months we hope to release a series of interviews and videos featuring some of these wonderful people. Some you've likely never heard of and some you've likely seen at nearly every Datsun show on the West Coast and never guessed that they had an amazing history with Datsuns.

We won't be focusing entirely on people with glamorous histories. In the long and short of it we are ALL car people and ALL of us are passionate about what we do. We want to share stories from people just like you and just like me. People willing to share their "feels" about Datsuns and what the cars mean to them.

Our first interview will be with Robert "Bob" Lapp. I met Bob nearly two decades ago. He loaned us his Dodge 2500 to haul 4 cars all over the USA as we competed in Formula D. He was just a friend of a friend (actually a dad of a friend's girlfriend) and here he is throwing in to support us with absolutely nothing asked in return. At the time, I had some nebulous idea that he had some history in racing with Nissan/Datsun, but had no idea just how hardcore the guy was. Just a few quick tidbits and then moving on. Bob was personally invited to race his Z in the first EVER sports car IMSA race. He owned a Nissan Dealership. When the 510 first came out and nobody knew what it was, he flat spanked everyone at an SCCA race so badly that they tried to disqualify him for his SSS steering wheel (hence his shift to IMSA). And....with the last name of Lapp, he named his wonderful daughter Victory!

In other news, on Saturday May 21st, we will be debuting our 2022 T3 Project Vehicle at the Datsloco's Swapmeet and Car Show in Manteca. It's going to blow minds. For me it was love at first sight. I can't let the cat all the way outa the bag, but it's a Nissan. It's got about 260HP. It's 1080 lbs. It's a bit of mostly forgotten Nissan history. It is seriously gnarly AND sexy. Bob Lapp will be joining our booth that day, and we are excited to have his historic #57 on the project car. No, it's not an IMSA car.

But come out to the Manteca swap meet and car show! We also recently cleaned the shelves at our oldest machine shop and have tons of parts in old colors and designs that we will be selling for killer prices. Last year was the biggest show we've ever seen at Manteca and I'm sure this year will be even bigger.

In the mean time, here are some of Bob's awesome pics!

"No sir, you are not the only one to find himself standing in the hallway bathroom eating a mini Bundt cake at 1AM in the morning."

Gabriel Tyler